Freelancer stories | Annabelle Baugh

‍Without Worksome I wouldn't have got my project with Doctify which has helped me gain more work

June 19, 2024
Name: Annabelle Baugh
Job title: SEO Copywriter
Location: Walsall, UK

See Annabelle's Worksome profile

What’s the best and worst parts of freelancing?

Freelancing gives me freedom to work when I choose, however, there is always the concern that there might not be work available.

Best/worst thing with your experience using Worksome?

The best thing are the opportunities are genuine and I haven't come across any time wasters, the worst thing is that for many jobs you need a business set up.

How did you become a freelancer?

My father, Professor John Grenville wrote numerous books and my love for writing started at age 6 when he encouraged me to start a journal. I self-published my first novel on Amazon, AAA# An Alternative Arrangement, under a pseudonym made up of his 2 middle names, Ashley Soames.

I started officially copywriting for Graffiti4Hire in an employed role. I did copywriting on an ad-hoc basis alongside my role as an account manager to improve their website content and provide blog posts, as they did not have a copywriter or the finances to hire one. I also created marketing campaigns. I have always loved writing and my blog posts attracted an increased number of visitors to the website and consequently an increase in the number of bookings for the graffiti artists.

When I went to Medinet I was also responsible for email campaigns and assisted with the rewording of their website. In my current role I don't get the opportunity to copyright. When I came across Worksome, after setting up my LI profile I decided it was worth going on the site and offering my services as a freelancer. Within a month I applied for a copywriter position with Doctify to assist with the creation of medical information for their website.

Is there anything you wish could change about being a freelancer?

No, I have been lucky to have had no issues and all my copywriting work has been well received.

How has Worksome helped?

Without Worksome I wouldn't have got my project with Doctify which has helped me gain more work.

Would you recommend going freelance to your friends?

I would recommend having a part-time role with a fixed salary and building up your clients before relying on freelance opportunities.

What do you think freelancing will look like by 2025?

I think it will be an integrated and significant part of the UK economy.

If you weren't freelancing how would your life be different?

I would have to work more hours in my current role which would give me less freedom.

Tips for other freelancers in your industry?

Get yourself a Vocal account and publish articles so you have samples to show clients and get yourself a LI profile and a Worksome profile!